Showcasing an inclusive identity

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Compass UK

Compass has long been the champion for a more plural open politics on the left. As the instigator of the Progressive Alliance, it brought together politicians, party members and the non-aligned to usher in a new, progressive politics in its push for a more equal, democratic and sustainable society.

The challenge

After the success of the Progressive Alliance at the 2017 General Election, Compass needed to redefine its role in the progressive movement. We helped them showcase this identity and build an online platform to accommodate the broad-breadth of opinion and thought that Compass represents.

How we did it

We spent six months working with Compass staff, management committee members and associates to refresh the brand and redevelop the website so it became an open space for progressive people to explore ideas collaboratively.

    We kicked off the project with a structured brand workshop to capture sentiment and opinion. These conversations extended beyond the visuals, to look at where Compass and its projects fit within the wider apparatus of the UK’s progressive and political make-up.
    In this phase, we rolled out a visual design refresh, including delivering a new type-face, a brand positioning document as well as new templates and executions.
    After conducting a content audit, we set to work streamlining the existing copy and layout of the WordPress site, and updating the look and feel to be bright, clear and emotive and youthful. The result was a more minimalist, functional, and mobile-responsive website that Compass can use and update for many years to come.

After conducting a content audit, we set to work streamlining the existing copy and layout of the WordPress site, and updating the look and feel to be bright, clear and emotive and youthful. The result was a more minimalist, functional, and mobile-responsive website that Compass can use and update for many years to come.


The updated Compass brand and website is now a platform for the expression of Compass’ politics, an inclusive space to explore ideas collaboratively and an amplifier of Compass’ ideas and causes.

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